Christ Community Church of Southeast Texas dba Compass Church
June 5, 2022
Organization Chart
Review Bylaws after technical edit
Under Church Government add agreement to the affirmation of faith.
Removal of Finance Committee is ¾ vote
Remove Finance Committee section b), (2), (d)
Separate under Church Council Governance a),(2), (d)
Church Council 60% lay members
Church Council remove (c) shall not be a deacon on sabbatical
Remove announce in writing
Word elder in Church Council (6)
Add the Church Council must act in a transparent manner
Add the Church Council shall organize themselves and conduct business according Robert Rules of Order
Add the Church Council shall meet at least quarterly or as needed
Officer of Secretary has an automatic position on the Finance Board
Finance Board must have Secretary of the Church and one other member if the Secretary is also the liaison to the Church Council
Reword elder section to make it clear that an elder must be a man
Add caveat to allow elder/deacon to continue to serve if there is no elder pool
Pastor is responsible to communicate needs to council
Staff is defined by the entity that hires them