In this meeting we primarily discussed the Summer Events that were covered in the calendar meeting. Below is a list of events and times as discussed at meeting.
Calendar meeting:
Faith it to make (recovery group) it will continue through summer
Praise team will continue to practice through summer
Fish Fry May 15th at Bluels 925 Chatwood, Beaumont, Texas 3-6 youth provide own transport
Final youth group May 18th
Game night all church June 8 6-9 youth provide own transport
Boys lock in June 10-11 pu at church at 5:00p.m. returned at church at 11:00a.m.
Girls Coffee at Hardbean June 11 4-5p.m.
Men’s fishing trip @ Ms. Pat June 18
Women’s tea party @ Howells June 18 1:00
Workday July 2nd – finish up the building
Bowling July 6 – 9 p.m. (Crossroads bowling NOT a drop off event)
Leadership meeting July 7
Girls Coffee at Harbean July 9th 4-5p.m.
Girls Lock in July 15-16 6:00p.m. to 11:00a.m. transportation TBD
Guys lunch and outdoor activities July 17th - Pick up at church after church. Drop off at church 6:00p.m.
Houston trip July 23
Small group launch planning meeting July 31, August 7
Youth service Resumes August 17
Small Groups start August 21
Goals for summer:
Finish up the last few things for the building
Establish church government