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         Our mission is to glorify God by proclaiming the Gospel and fulfilling His mission through exaltation, edification, and evangelism. We believe these three emphases comprise true worship. When we assemble, we also sing, clap, shout, dance, and praise Him. We believe the Lord Jesus is worthy of our highest allegiance, greatest energy and industry, and our utmost affection.


        The Lord is the only worthy of exaltation, and He is worthy of all praise and exaltation. Worship is, therefore, a primary purpose for our meeting together. Through corporate worship we demonstrate the worth of our Redeemer and our adoration for Him. Public worship goes beyond our singing, dancing, and playing together and comprises all that we join to do in honor of Him. Similarly, private worship involves more than verbal praise, and includes the ways we treat one another and how we care for "the least of these."


         We desire to direct and concentrate our efforts toward persons who are physically and/or spiritually marginalized, oppressed, and/or downtrodden, and/or those who are unchurched, de-churched, or biblically misinformed, including agnostics, seekers, church-wounded and spiritually confused. We also want to be a welcoming environment ford all growing/serving Christians whom God will send to help us in serving Him. His kingdom is our place of citizenship and service.


Edification (Discipleship)

         We want to mobilize every willing member as a pastor/shepherd to serve the body and reach out to others, fulfilling the will of God and responding to His great Commission. Our desire is to see every willing member growing, both in the knowledge and application of their faith. We want to be a conduit and support to help train and facilitate the individual callings, giftings and anointings of our members. We also recognize our corporate responsibility, as a church, to ensure the uniform fidelity of the message we preach, including its faithfulness to Scripture, and soundness of doctrine.


Know God -- Find Freedom -- Discover Purpose -- Make a Difference




Click here to view our Statement of Faith as provided by the Evangelical Free Church of America.


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