The growing, triumphant and prevailing church, throughout the world
and here in America, is the uncompromising, sin-hating, devil-busting,
Bible-believing, Jesus-loving, Spirit-empowered church. A church that
accommodates the sins of the world might as well just fold now, as they
are not, in any meaningful way, the church. Included, at no extra charge,
in His power to save, is His power to change willing hearts and lives.
Please take your responsibilities seriously, and also bear in mind that
many questions you may have about specific passages have already been
prayerfully considered, negotiated, agonized over, etc. by your counsel
for low these many months. That doesn’t mean they’ve constructed a
perfect document, but they deserve our appreciation and benefit of the
doubt before making in hasty changes.
We will have an after church potluck and discussion on August 7th,
where we will also decide if any edits are warranted, followed by an up
or down vote the following weekend. There will be a private Zoom link,
for church members, so that everyone may attend both events.
For His kingdom reign and glory,
Pastor Jeff
Click on the link to view bylaws. https://1drv.ms/w/s!AmaW8_-t4NoJnRyJmAWwEGh7jKdE?e=wmapmq .
Or click on .pdf below.