We've got a lot of events in the works at Compass Church for October, November and December.
- Starting with a Planning Day on Sunday Oct 2nd, following the service. This is for Dream Team Leaders, Small Group Leaders and Staff.
- Wed. Nov. 2nd @ 6PM: Fall Festival
- Sun. Nov. 20th, After Sunday Service (tentative date & time): Thanksgiving Meal
- Sat. Dec. 3rd, Times to be determined: Serve Day
- Dec., Time & Day to be determined: Christmas Caroling
- Dec. Time & Day to be determined: Christmas Party
Plus: Don't forget about Small Groups which are currently in full swing.
- Tues. 6PM @ Sertinos: Christian Coping
- Wed. 6PM @ Compass: Youth Group
- Wed. 6:30PM @ Compass: Worship Collective
- Wed. 6:30M @ Compass: Responding To Art
- Fri. 7:30PM @ Compass: Faith It To Make It
- Sat. 9AM @ Carlito's Mexican Restaurant: Prayer Breakfast