It's break time for Small Groups! - Sort Of
What an amazing semester we've had. Things really took off. Lots of new groups were introduced, and participation in these groups, in general, exceeded expectations. A total of 8 Small Groups ran each week. Each of these groups were led by some amazing facilitators. We are really fortunate to have such dedicated church members at Compass Church (Yep, new church name). While these facilitators appear to have boundless energy, we like to give them the opportunity to take a break, if they so choose. Some groups however will keep marching on. Here's a list below.
Monday - No Group
Tuesday - Depression and Anxiety Group (On Break)
Wednesday - Adult Group (On Break), Youth Group (Still Running)
Thursday - Wahoo Group (On Break), Praise Team Group ( Still Running)
Friday - Recovery Group (Still Running)
Saturday - Breakfast Group (On Break)
Sunday - No Group